Indoor or Outdoor - all is no problem for expotent folding tents
an expotent folding tent can be used both indoors and outdoors,…

The yellow AMG Mamba with Expotrade at the Lausitzring
Next weekend, races 7 and 8 of the ADAC GT Masters will take…

expotent foldingtents at the ADAC GT-Masters!
Many racing teams are customers of ours and sometimes build larger…

First victory in Cycleball UCI-World-Cup
The two Cycleball-players, Patrick Schnetzer (7-time world champion)…

Target Competition with 2 expotent 6x3m Professional
The Team Target Competition is using 2 brandnew 6x3m Professional…

Expotrade film-shooting in Damüls!
What could be nicer than doing a film shoot with our products…

expobartable folding bartable in action!
Our foldable bartable is heading to very busy actions. Due to…

We are READY for the saison!
We are ready for the coming season and hope that soon our clients…

folding expobartable highdesk
Our "foldable expobartable standing tables" with flexible branding…

Expodome - the perfect snow-secure Dometent !
Expodome dome tent - the steep roof surfaces allow the snow…